Saturday, March 25, 2006
We've had a couple of questions from people who want to take side trips to D.C. or the D.C. area (~35 miles from Baltimore). We're gathering details, checking facts, mapping routes... and will post soon!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
How about a tour of the Pratt?
Cheryl provided a great overview of the Enoch Pratt Library . Doesn't that make you want to visit? Luckily, the Maryland Chapter of SLA has organized a tour.
Linda H e-mailed me the information that's also available in the personal planner:
Linda H e-mailed me the information that's also available in the personal planner:
Enoch Pratt Library Tour
Thurs June 15, 2006
9:45am to 12pm
Take a tour of the Enoch Pratt Free Library Central Library/State Library Resource Center. Participants will be introduced to the unusual role that Pratt plays as public library, state library agency, and as an accessible research level collection to serious library users. The tour will focus on departments that provide a unique role to customers from all age groups across Maryland and a "behind the scenes" look at the treasures one will find in the Pratt collections. In addition, the beautiful and important architectural appointments of the magnificent Central Building and the new Annex will be noted and discussed. The cost of the tour covers round trip bus transportation to and from the library. A continental breakfast will also be provided. Lunch not included. Bus starts boarding at 9:30 am at the Baltimore Convention Center, Pratt St entrance, departing at 9:45 am. To purchase tickets, complete a Tour registration form found on the Conference website.
Jeff Korman, Manager, Maryland Collection, Enoch Pratt Free Library
Wesley Williams, Chief, Central Library/State Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt Free Library
Friday, March 17, 2006
Looking for Lunch?
Greg Gershman, the Blogdigger guy, recommends this list to find places to each lunch and people who will meet you there to eat. Not all of these are downtown, so take a peek at the map.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Baltimore Trivia: Who is this guy and where can you see him?

If you think you know who he is (and you're not a member of the SLA-Maryland chapter) leave a note in the comments section!
I'll reveal who he is in a couple of weeks if no one knows.
Update: Photo courtesy of a local newspaper site. I'm not going to give it away, though ;)
Update: Natty Boh is indeed correct! For those of you all not from around here, that means National Bohemian beer. Although no longer brewed in Baltimore it is a symbol of the city. This guy sits on Brewers Hill on top of the 11-story Natty Boh Tower.
For more see: JOHN WOESTENDIEK (2006, March 11). With a wink, Mr. Boh selling more than beer :[FINAL Edition]. The Sun, p. 1A. Retrieved April 10, 2006, from The Sun, Baltimore (Special) database. (Document ID: 1001590131). (free preview, or get from a Maryland library)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Announcing the SLA2006 Blogger's Meet-up
Catherine writes to tell me that there will be a blogger meet-up this year at SLA. It will be at Edgar's Billiards Club & Restaurant ( on the skywalk at Pratt & Light Streets. From Catherine's post on the SLA-IT Blogger's Section Blog
Updated to correct typos, add links, and give credit...
The Blogging Section invites all bloggers and those interested in blogging to join us for a get-together at the Annual Conference in Baltimore. On Monday, June 12th, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, we will meet at Edgar's Billiards Club & Restaurant ( on the outdoor patio. Look for the sign "SLA Bloggers Get-Together". Restaurant and bar service will be available for you to order refreshments (each pay his/her own). A pool table will be reserved inside for us.It's been marked on the Wayfaring map.
Edgar's offers 10% off the tab for conventioneers so don't forget to bring your conference badge with you. The club is conveniently located between the Baltimore Convention Center and the Hyatt Regency on the Baltimore Inner Harbor Skywalk, above Pratt and Light streets.
So, come relax, practice your eight-ball and talk about blogging with us!
Updated to correct typos, add links, and give credit...