Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Baltimore Trivia: Who is this guy and where can you see him?

This is kind of a mean looking picture of the guy who's normally pretty friendly. He's on the side of a building in Baltimore and still on the label of the product.

If you think you know who he is (and you're not a member of the SLA-Maryland chapter) leave a note in the comments section!

I'll reveal who he is in a couple of weeks if no one knows.

Update: Photo courtesy of a local newspaper site. I'm not going to give it away, though ;)

Update: Natty Boh is indeed correct! For those of you all not from around here, that means National Bohemian beer. Although no longer brewed in Baltimore it is a symbol of the city. This guy sits on Brewers Hill on top of the 11-story Natty Boh Tower.

For more see: JOHN WOESTENDIEK (2006, March 11). With a wink, Mr. Boh selling more than beer :[FINAL Edition]. The Sun, p. 1A. Retrieved April 10, 2006, from The Sun, Baltimore (Special) database. (Document ID: 1001590131). (free preview, or get from a Maryland library)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natty Boh, hon!

3/16/2006 4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask nicely, you might be able to get a tour of the stacks. There are real treasures in this building that hardly anyone gets to see.
Maryland Treatment Centers

8/05/2008 1:02 AM  

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