Monday, July 18, 2005



Friday, July 01, 2005

Blog Policies

For Bloggers:

  1. Be transparent: indicate if you have financial ties, are affiliated with a company, or if there’s a conflict of interest. Also, no selling of your own professional services or plugging of commercial products. Feel free to mention either of these that might help visitors to the conference, but this isn’t the place for marketing.
  2. Be polite, considerate, and respectful: remember that real people with feelings read the blog. Written jokes are sometimes not seen as jokes -- be mindful of the diversity of your audience.
  3. Be accurate: check facts when possible. Indicate when it’s your opinion vs. the speaker’s.
  4. Acknowledge when you make a mistake. The editors of Quoth the Raven ask that you add an addendum to the post with an error with the date and the correction. Some blogs prefer new postings, but because this is a cooperative blog, it’s best to keep the correction with the error. If you really want to pull a post, remember that versions of the post may still exist in feed aggregators. Delete the offending text and annotate the post with “Update: post removed by author, date.”
  5. Give credit where credit is due. Cite your sources and provide hyperlinks if possible. Watch copyright.
  6. Post early and often! You have something to contribute and we all look forward to reading your work!

For Readers, Commenters, and Peripheral Participants:

  1. Opinions on this blog do not necessarily reflect those of SLA or the Maryland Chapter of SLA

"The Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors to this site. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official position of Special Libraries Association. Acceptance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of the advertiser's product(s) by Special Libraries Association. Links established from this site does not imply endorsement of the site's products and services by Special Libraries Association. The Special Libraries Association will not be held liable for damages resulting from any errors, omissions, information contained beyond this site, or use of the information at this site."

  1. Please comment on posts! Ask questions, provide answers, give examples. We are using a word verification tool to try to limit spam. Please don’t let this prevent you from posting. If you are having trouble, please e-mail cpikas {at} gmail {dot} com. We reserve the right to remove spam comments, those that use inappropriate language, or advertising.
  2. If you would like to post to the blog and are a member of the Maryland Chapter, please contact Christina Pikas or a member of the board to receive an invitation.
  3. Please ask permission of the author of the post before reposting anything from this blog elsewhere (including other SLA blogs).
  4. There is a video available to provide a tour of the blog. Please let us know if you need more assistance.


Rebecca Blood. “Weblog Ethics.” Rebecca’s Pocket. Available online: (accessed 11/8/2005).

Charlene Li. “Blogging Policy Examples.” Charlene Li’s Blog. (November 8, 2004). Available online: (accessed 11/8/2005).

Karen Schneider. “The Ethical Blogger.” (April 15, 2005). Available online: (accessed 11/7/2005)